The Tavern

"...enter his field of vision, in a blaze of prickly pears, the majestic Etna with landscapes clinging to its slopes, the Ionian coast, the Gulf of Giardini-Naxos, the Head of St. Alexis, the Strait of Messina and the Calabrian coasts. The origins of Castelmola date back to the pre-Hellenic period.
The name is inspired by the shape of the large rock on which it stands, reminiscent of a "wheel".
Mylai was the name of the first settlement, dating back to the Iron Age by the Sicilians. "
And in this scenario, in '96, the family Finocchito, takes over the Tavern transforming Etna, with a lot of work, in what is now surely one of the best restaurants in the area.
With the splendor at the foot of Taormina on the one hand,
and the teacher Etna on the other hand,
taste the best dishes of Mediterranean
cuisine sipping fragrant traditional
Sicilian wine and beyond.